Integrating m-Health into e-Health Strategy Implementation
e-Health Africa Conference
18 - 19 April 2012
InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
e-Health Africa Conference 2012 >> Organizers >> Jacqueline Oudia, Esq.

Jacqueline Oudia, Esq.
Jacqueline Oudia, Esq. is a Kenyan born national and naturalized citizen of the United States. She is a licensed attorney residing in the District of Columbia, USA. Jacqueline graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Business-Finance from North Carolina State University and received her Juris Doctorate Degree from the University of the District of Columbia - David A. Clarke School of Law.Currently, Jacqueline is an attorney in the legal and political affairs department at the Embassy of the Republic of Kenya, Washington, DC. There she works on developing a legal and legislative agenda, analyzing and tracking relevant legislation that affect the Kenyans living in the United States and collaborating with legislators, state officials, and federal departments to support the Embassy’s priorities.