How to register?
There are 2 convenient ways to register for e-Health Africa Conference 2012.
Automatic Registration
Please click here for automatic registration and online payment
Manual Registration
Please contact Dr. Alade, for wire transfer.
Miss the early bird deadline? You can still get 15% discount if you subscribe to Anadach newsletter. Send code 'ehealth' to register from your subscription email address.
Regular Fees: $295
$250 for Early Bird Registration, available only until 10th April, 2012
African Academics, NGOs and Registered Students(Kenyans included): $150
$125 for Early Bird Registration, available only until 10th April, 2012
Special Training session on using phones for data collection: $120
$100 for Early Bird Registration, available only until 10th April, 2012
Groups with more than 4 people will receive a discount of 25%. Please contact Dr Alade, ehealthafricaconference@anadach.comfor special processing.
We strongly encourage you to use our automatic registration system for fast processing.
Registration can be paid in Kenya Shillings on the day of the event
12,500 Kenya Shillings for Academics, NGO, Students, Government workers
25,000 Kenya Shillings - Regular
Refund Policy: If you are unable to attend the conference, full refunds (minus financial institution processing fees) are available until April 4th. From April 4th - 11th - 50% of registration fees will be refunded. Cancellations after April 11th will NOT be refundable
Training Program
The training program on "Using Mobile Phones for Data Collection" would require separate registration from the conference. It is organized in collaboration with DataDyne ( - who own and manage Episurveyor software. EpiSurveyor lets anyone set up a worldwide, mobile-phone-based data collection system in minutes, for free. It is now one of the most widely used mobile data collection software in the world, more than 6000 users in more than 170 countries, including UNICEF, CDC, GOK, JSI, the World Bank and many others.
Attendees would be required to bring a laptop with wifi access or capable of joining a wifi network for the training. It is also suggested that attendees bring their mobile phones, preferably an Episurveyor supported phone ( While the content of the training would be health focused, EpiSurveyor can be used to collect any kind of field data .
The registration fee of $120.00 would cover all training costs, refreshments, and technical support during the session. For further information, please contact
Please click here to register for the Training Program.
Poster Session Guidelines
A Poster session is a graphic presentation of authors' reports. The authors illustrate their findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams and a small amount of text on the poster boards.
The Poster/Exhibit Session will take place at the Intercontinental Hotel in the Loita Room, the morning of April 19th. Authors will hold discussions with the registrants who are circulating among the poster boards. Many authors find it helpful to present a brief introduction to answer the obvious questions and allow the remainder of the time for more in-depth discussions.
The author should remain by his/her poster board as much as possible. If handouts are distributed, bring enough copies as we are expecting over one hundred participants. Highlight the author(s) name(s) and address information in case the viewer is interested in contacting you for more information.
No audiovisual equipment is permitted for poster presentations.
Poster Board Information
Anadach will provide a poster board/tripod for each author presentation. The author should prepare all materials in advance.
* The poster board will be 4 feet tall by 6 feet wide, mounted on stands. Posters should NOT be bigger that these dimensions.
* Thumbtacks will be available onsite for mounting the displays.
* Posters may be set up ½ hour before the start of the session. Poster board numbers will be given before the date of the session. Presentations should be taken down within 30 minutes after the session ends. Display materials not removed following the conclusion of the session will be discarded.
* Materials should include the title of the presentation and the list of authors. Letters in the title should be at least 1 inch high. Bring all illustrations needed -- figures, tables, color photographs, charts.
* The material should be well labeled and legible from a distance of 2 yards. Lettering should be bold. If you will be posting typed material, use a large font size (20 to 24 point font) on white, pale yellow or cream-colored non-glossy paper. Use 1-inch margins. Avoid use of fancy fonts. Use upper and lowercase letters. Simple serif fonts such as "Times New Roman" are easier to read than sans (without) serif fonts such as "Geneva". (Adapted from APHA guidelines)
Poster Session Guidelines
We are inviting attendees to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation at the conference, in addition to invited speakers. The abstract must fit into one of the panels in the agenda. The panel titles are: 1) e-Health Policy environment in African Countries 2) e-Health: Citizens Perspective and leveraging the social media revolution 3) Telemedicine: Opportunities and Challenges 4) m-Health Overview (including m-finance) 5) Health Information Systems 6) e-Learning. We are looking for abstracts that reflect practical experience or lessons, or have key implications for the implementation of e-health in emerging markets, particularly African countries. The conference would aim to reflect a wide range of views from different geographic areas. The abstracts would be reviewed by a committee to determine which submitted abstracts best meet these objectives.
Each selected presenter would be expected to speak for 5 minutes. Following the presentation, there is a 5-minute period for questions and answers, as well as feedback from the audience. This will provide participants with an opportunity to formulate and present their idea, collaborate with others interested in their idea, and receive feedback and ideas from other conference participants. Final time allocation would depend on the final agenda.
The abstract submission deadline is extended from 30th January to 15th February.
How to submit an abstract
Please submit your abstract to and include your name and abstract title on the subject of your email.If your abstract is selected for presentation, you will be required to register for the conference to confirm your speaker slot. Selected presenters would be informed by March 7th 2012.
Word Limit
bstracts should not exceed 100 words and should clearly summarize key points of the proposed presentation.