Our Vision
Anadach visualizes a world where everyone has access to effective healthcare. We believe that by thinking about health care and life sciences innovatively, and applying lessons from other sectors, we can provide analytically – sound creative solutions and rigorous advice that will enable our clients to achieve their goals.
Our Expertise
Our team is comprised of experienced professionals with deep expertise in healthcare, well versed in the challenges and opportunities offered by the emerging markets space. We have several years of healthcare experience:
Developing, managing and operating health care entities
Designing and implementing clinical and business solutions for:
Hospitals and health care centers
Health insurance systems
Pharmaceutical companies
Governments and non-governmental organizations in developing and developed countries
Supporting due diligence engagements
The Anadach team is diverse with strong health and life science skills complemented by experience in other sectors including finance, and telecommunications that allows Anadach to take a unique approach to providing effective advice based on a robust analytic approach. We take a long term approach to problem solving and finding innovative and implementable solutions.
Anadach consultants were educated at top-tier universities around the world including Harvard University, New York University, UCLA, USC, Johns Hopkins, LSC and University of London and have had experience with world class corporations and institutions. Several of our consultants contribute to books and international journals on a regular basis, and/or hold significant positions in national and international professional associations. Some of our consultants are licensed medical professionals, while others bring a fresh perspective to the sector. Yet, the Anadach team shares certain core values – entrepreneurial, integrity, curious yet analytic bringing a unique independent perspective to each assignment. We always put the client first and we bring our passion for health care to our work every day, contributing to improving access to health care for everyone.